
Photo Contest: UBC Jigsaw Puzzle


Calling all UBC photo enthusiasts! We are creating a special edition jigsaw puzzle featuring our beautiful campus and we need your help. Submit your favourite original photo of UBC for a chance to win a $100 bookstore gift card and a final copy of the jigsaw puzzle featuring your photo. The puzzle will be available for purchase at our Vancouver store throughout the summer.

Contest rules and details:

  • You must submit an original photo of the UBC Vancouver campus scenery, taken by you.
  • Submission deadline is April 9 at 11:59pm PDT.
  • One winning photo will be chosen and the winner will receive a $100 UBC Bookstore gift card and a copy of the puzzle featuring their photo once it is produced.
  • Please select high quality photos, you can submit multiple photos. We will accept Illustrator or Photoshop files, flattened Tiff’s, or high quality JPEG at 17 x 23.9” at 300 dpi (can be landscape or portrait).
Paul H. Joseph / UBC Brand & Marketing

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